
Marija Ger  

Phone: +370 5 2234411



Research Group


Research Interests: Cell signaling
Cancer biology
Anticancer drug resistance
Cancer biomarkers
Present Position: Researcher 
2009 - PhD in Natural (former Physical) sciences, biochemistry, Vilnius University
2003 - MSc in Biochemistry, Vilnius University
2001 - BSc in Biochemistry, Vilnius University
Experience (Past Positions): 2018–present - Researcher, Vilnius University
2007–2018 - Research assistant, Institute of Biochemistry (since 2010 – Vilnius University Institute of Biochemistry)
2001–2003 - Biologist, Institute of Biochemistry
1998–2000 - Laboratory assistant, Institute of Botany 
Molecular biology of the cell: proteomics (in Lithuanian or English) 
Publications: LABT_LMAVB 
Academic Cooperation: Vilnius University hospital Santaros klinikos, Lithuania

Projects and Grants:

2020–2023 “Screening for new methods for treatment of neurodegenerative disorders” (No. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-03-0021), Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology; Investigator.
2020–2021 “Development of novel proteomics-based drug selection approach for pancreatic cancer individualized therapy” (DiaKasa2; S-SEN-20-16); Research Council of Lithuania; Investigator.
2018–2021 "Development of primary cell cultures technologies for the increased efficacy of chemotherapy" (J05-LVPA-K-03-0080); Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology; Investigator.
2016–2018 “New multifunctional nanobiosensor for early pancreatic cancer diagnostics” (DiaKASA SEN-01/2016); Research Council of Lithuania; Investigator.
2015–2018 “Investigation of synthesis regulation of proteins associated with Alzheimer disease development”, Research Council of Lithuania; Investigator.
2014–2016 “High throughput proteomics for cancer cell surface protein recognition by quantum Dots” (SUREDOT; MIP-033/2014); Research Council of Lithuania; Investigator.
2013 Biotechnology and biopharmacy: fundamental and applied research" (VP1-3.1-ŠMM-08-K-01-005); Research Council of Lithuania; Investigator.
2012–2013 “Creation of biologically active regular three-dimensional structures for tissue molecular bioengineering” (BIO-MATRIX); Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology; Investigator.
2011–2015 “Molecular mechanisms of chinones and polychinones in the redox reactions, cytotoxicity, signal transduction and proteomics” (VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-01-103,); Research Council of Lithuania; Investigator.
2007 “The study of Ras protooncogen on intracellular trafficking by confocal microscopy” (T-52/07), State Studies Foundation; Investigator.
2005-2006 m. “Development of molecular markers for individualized cancer therapy” (B-05012), Research Council of Lithuania; Investigator.
2005 “Functional and proteomic analysis of tumor controlling protein kinase D” (T-05273), Research Council of Lithuania; Investigator.
2001–2003 “Complex diagnostics for Individualized therapy at the level of cancer cell gene expression”, Research Council of Lithuania; Investigator.
2010–2012 COST action “Urine and Kidney Proteomics” (EuroKUP, BM0702), action management committee member for Lithuania.

Qualification Improvement, Certificates: 2003 Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russia. Course on yeast two hybrid system.
2008 Applied Biosystems, Germany. 4800 TOF/TOF and 4000 QTrap mass spectrometers training course. 
Research Dissemination: The author at the science communication website
"Doctor of Sciences: cancer is not our deadliest enemy"
Languages: Lithuanian (native), English, Russian, French, Japanese


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